Rejoicing in 2020 and Beyond

A Note From Jim

     As we near the end of 2020 and head into 2021, I have heard many people comment on how they cannot wait for 2020 to be over. This has gotten me thinking: how do we know that 2021 will be a better year? Jesus promised us that in this world we will have trouble (John 16:33), and He told us not to worry about tomorrow because each day has enough trouble of its own (Matthew 6:34). Paul also said that as we get closer to the end of the ages, wickedness will increase in the world (2 Timothy 3:1-5). Assuming that 2021 will be a better year may just be setting us up for more disappointment. So, what do we do? How are we supposed to respond to this possibility of 2021 being worse than 2020? The answer is all over the Scriptures! WE ARE TO BE FOCUSING ON JESUS, NOT THE TROUBLES THAT ARE GOING ON IN THE WORLD. Jesus told us this when He warned us that we would have trouble in the world. Look again at John 16:33. “I have said these things to you so that IN ME you would have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But TAKE HEART; I HAVE OVERCOME THE WORLD." The writer of Hebrews said the same thing when he told us lay aside the things that entangle us, and run with perseverance the race set before us (Hebrews 12:1-2). We are to FIX OUR EYES ON JESUS, the founder and perfector of our faith! Actually, the Bible says that we Christians are to be people who are “REJOICING ALWAYS," even if times are tough (Philippians 4:4-7). How are we to rejoice always? Why are we to rejoice always? The answer is here in these verses. We can rejoice always because THE LORD IS NEAR. As we bring our requests and petitions to God (with thanksgiving), He will give us the peace that passes understanding which is received IN CHRIST JESUS! We have a great opportunity in these days to let the light and joy and peace of Christ shine through us in this crazy, dark world. But we cannot fake it.  We must be experiencing it for ourselves in order to share it. My brothers and sisters in Christ, let me remind you who we are and what we have in Jesus our Lord and Savior who indwells us. WE ARE AT PEACE WITH GOD! And because of this, we can REJOICE in our struggles knowing that He is not punishing us, and He loves us (Romans 5:1-5). We can know that our God will supply for ALL OF OUR NEEDS, and that even though young lions sometimes lack, we who are His children will lack no good thing (Philippians 4:19, Psalm 34:8-10). We can also rest assured that we don’t need to fear man because God has promised to NEVER LEAVE US OR FORSAKE US (Hebrews 13:5-6)! With all of this in mind, 2021 doesn’t look so scary after all, does it? I love you all, and am looking forward to what God has in store for all of us in this coming year!    

We were grateful to be able to fellowship with many brothers and sisters in Christ over the summer!
Year-End Retrospective 2020
This year has brought a lot of changes and challenges that were unexpected to us, but they were not unexpected to God. He is always at His work. He planned and accomplished many things this year, and we want to thank Him for all He’s done. I don’t believe we are fully aware of everything He’s done, and we can’t list it all here, but here are just some of the things that we praise God for over this past year.
I joined the ministry staff on November 1st, 2019, and I pray that I have been a blessing to the ministry, just as the work is a blessing to me. Over the past year, I have had the opportunity to work very closely with my father and have come to know the Scriptures better because of my study of his teachings on God’s Word. I hope God’s Word has reached more people through the daily challenges that I post on our Facebook page. I enjoy writing and publishing these devotionals based on Jim’s radio program as an additional way for people to hear God speak through Jim.
God has reached more people through the ministry this year than any year before. This year we began livestreaming our Tuesday Night Bible Studies and posting them to Facebook and YouTube. Through that, we have seen people watching in the hundreds every week from all across the country. We might never have started to share the Bible studies this way if it weren’t for the lockdown in March that restricted large gatherings. It is important not to neglect meeting together in person with the believers in your community (Hebrews 10:25), but these livestreamed studies have become a way for us to connect weekly with brothers and sisters who we would otherwise see much less often.
Even with restricted travel conditions, God carried Jim, Becky, and I through two months and 6,000 miles of travel this summer. Jim spoke at various churches and events in Virginia, Mississippi, Ohio, and New Jersey, and God protected all three of us from contracting COVID-19 throughout our travels. We visited old friends in Virginia, Jim walked a church in New Jersey through their transitional process of calling a new pastor, and he taught a five-message series on Revelation in Mississippi that has received the largest response of any video series that we have yet shared online!
When I first joined the ministry, one of the main goals that Dad and I had was writing a book based on his 2015 chronological study of Revelation. The desire and need for this book has been made apparent through the reaction to his sermon series in Mississippi, and the state of the world at large. We know now more than ever that God has put this project on our hearts and is completing the project in His timing. We have been working on this book throughout the year, and we are excited to inform you that the final chapters have been written. We have entered the editing phase of the process, and are hopeful and excited that we will be able to put books in your hands in 2021!
As Jim’s preaching schedule wound down for the holidays, he was able to take some time to have his left knee replaced, a surgery that he has been looking forward to for a long time. He has shocked and impressed his family and his physical therapist with how quickly he has been recovering from the surgery, and he is excited to be back at a hundred percent for the new year. If you’d like Jim to speak at your church next year, contact the ministry and we would love to set it up!
God has been faithful throughout all of 2020 in the work that He has been doing through the ministry and in the way that you have all supported us throughout the year. Giving has been great this year, and we want to thank you all for your continued prayers and support! Your continued contributions fund Jim's travel to churches that cannot afford to pay his travel expenses. We never charge churches for Jim to come speak, and your generous giving allows him to keep sharing the Word with people all over the country.
Even in the midst of everything going on in the world, God is at work, as He always is. Throughout all of this, we want to encourage you to praise God because of all that He has done this year! Yes, we mourn for those we’ve lost, and we can acknowledge that this year wasn’t easy, but we don’t mourn like the rest of the world that has no hope (1 Thessalonians 4:13-14). In fact, we praise God that He is in control when the world is spinning out of our perceived control.
Thank you for praying, studying, and worshipping with us throughout this year. God has given us a gift in all of you, and we thank Him for you every day. I pray that the ministry in return has been a blessing to you. Continue to pray and thank God for His continued faithfulness in 2021! He is always about His work (John 5:17).

In Christ's Overwhelming Love, 
Media Developer
Family Corner
Jim had a great year golfing and losing a lot of weight! When the country was locked down, our local public golf course stayed open with distancing rules. Jim bought a membership and had a blast walking 18 or even 36 holes of golf about 5 days a week during the lockdown. He worked hard and lost about 80 pounds, and got his handicap down to about a 7!
Becky has enjoyed traveling with Jim this year. She thanks God for health and safety during that time and throughout the year. She is glad she has been able to help her travel clients navigate the difficult travel climate of 2020.
Nicole is enjoying her job as a Speech Language Pathologist, and is praising the Lord that she paid off all her loans from her Master's degree this year!
Elise has been working on lots of sewing projects in her free time this year, and is looking forward to moving into a house with Nicole and their dog Junie in January! 
AJ graduated college this year and is preparing to put his degree to good use by starting his own videography company.
We are all grateful for great family time this year and are looking forward to the holidays. We wish you all a Merry Christmas and a blessed New Year!
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