Chronological Revelation Study (2020)

If you are wondering what will happen next in the world, please join us for a study of the book of Revelation! In these messages, Jim takes us through a study of the end times with the events put in chronological (rather than chapter and verse) order and the Scriptures taken literally. This series of five messages was preached July 26 - 29, 2020 at Crosspointe Fellowship Church in Nettleton, MS.

Overall Study Playlist Crosspointe Fellowship Church
Nettleton, MS
  • Session 1
Crosspointe Fellowship Church
Nettleton, MS
  • Session 2
Crosspointe Fellowship Church
Nettleton, MS
  • Session 3
Crosspointe Fellowship Church
Nettleton, MS
  • Session 4
Crosspointe Fellowship Church
Nettleton, MS
  • Session 5
Crosspointe Fellowship Church
Nettleton, MS
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