What Will Happen Next? Book

What Will Happen Next?
A Chronological Study of the Book of Revelation

Does it feel like the world is spinning out of control? Do you wonder what is going to happen after Jesus calls the Church away to dwell with Him? God is still completely in control, and He has told us exactly what is coming via His Word.

What Will Happen Next contains a chronological order of end-time events developed by Jim Johnson through thirty-five years of intense Biblical study. Come study the Book of Revelation with us and learn what Jesus says is coming next, from the events of the Tribulation through Jesus' return to earth, physical earthly reign in the Millennial Kingdom, and permanent defeat of Satan and his minions and the establishment of the eternal New Heaven and New Earth. God will come to us and dwell bodily with all of His people for eternity!

Come learn what the Bible says will happen next so that you can be prepared for the future and pass the word on to others!

Paperback copies of What Will Happen Next? A Chronological Study of the book of Revelation are available for free to anyone who requests one and gives us an address to which we can send it.  If you would like to request one or more copies of the book, please contact us!

Study Guide:

Click the following links to download the What Will Happen Next? Study Guide:

Rapture Packet:

Click here for the Rapture Packet we have put together, mentioned in Jim’s book What Will Happen Next?

Instructions for use:

  • Print this PDF and attach a photo of yourself and/or your family to one of the “Are You Looking for Us/Me?” pages.
  • Attach that page to the outside of a 9x12 envelope, and place the rest of the pages inside.
  • Hang it somewhere in your home where it would be found if people were to come looking for you after the Rapture.

Thank you for your interest and for helping to spread the Gospel even after we are caught up to be with Jesus!

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